Act Happy Day
Act Happy Day is observed next on Monday, March 17th, 2025 (187 days from today).
We can choose to live righteously and be happy. The Dalai Lama once said that happiness is created from our actions, not something ready-made. Life will certainly have times when we feel pressured, stressed, even in a state of "helplessness" when we cannot find joy in what we are doing. However, creating a habit of positive thinking and action can bring happiness, and you can absolutely strive to be happy in life. Act Happy Day is celebrated every year on every 3rd Monday in March, celebrated to encourage people to act as if you feel happy, joyful and fulfilled. Besides, Act Happy Day also highlights the benefits of happiness, humor, laughter for each of us.
"Happiness is the ultimate goal of human existence, the thought and purpose of each individual’s life."
The Greek philosopher Aristotle said these words more than 2,000 years ago, and they still hold true today. Happiness is a form of energy that describes the experience of positive emotions. Often happiness is equated with joy, contentment, and contentment. One striking study shows that everyone tend to want to be happy and being happy doesn't just make you feel better - it actually offers a host of potential health benefits.
History of Act Happy Day
Dr. Dale Anderson of St. Paul, Minnesota was a person who created Act Happy Day, he also created National Wellderly Day on the same day in 2004. He created both of Act Happy Day and Wellderly Day with the effort to promote the health benefits of laughter, humor and happiness.
According to Dr. Anderson, the act of being cheerful will have a positive effect on your day. By engaging in the act of happiness, happiness will eventually begin. Part of the transition to being happy comes from within. Anderson has many suggestions for being happy, one of which is what he recommends starting each day with a fifteen-second belly laugh. The act of laughing releases mood-boosting endorphins. Humor and laughter not only have a positive effect on the day, but are also beneficial to overall health in the long run. Acting cheerfully can also help with success in human and professional relationships. For example, optimistic business people will find success and people who act cheerfully will have better customer relationships. Even if things don't seem so happy in your life, if you act like you're happy, by smiling and laughing, you're well on your way to being truly happy.
Observing Act Happy Day
If you follow Dr. Anderson's suggestion, you should start your day with a good laugh. Then you should go through the day in a cheerful manner. The happier you act, the happier you are. There's a good chance that happiness will affect other people too! Maybe you can watch one of the funniest movies of all time to ease your action and really get the endorphins going! Dr. Anderson has written several books that you can read, such as Never Act Your Age. You can also watch a TED Talk with Dr. Anderson, or make an appointment with him to speak at an event. Share your Act Happy Day and everything you do in National Act Happy Day on social media with hashtag #NationalActHappyDay and smile all day.
Act Happy Day has been observed the third Monday in March.Dates
Monday, March 20th, 2023
Monday, March 18th, 2024
Monday, March 17th, 2025
Monday, March 16th, 2026
Monday, March 15th, 2027
Founded by
Dr. Dale Anderson in 2004