
(Also known as Three Kings Day)

Epiphany is observed next on Monday, January 6th, 2025 (76 days from today).

How many days until Epiphany?


For those who think Christmas is over, the Epiphany, held on January 6, marks the last anniversary of the Christian holiday season! While most people begin to take off their Christmas decorations before the New Year, there is still a week before many practice Christians complete the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is often associated with the day the Three Wise Men reach the manger and has a number of different names throughout history and culture.

The History of Epiphany

Epiphany is a Christian holiday celebrating the revelation of the incarnate God, Jesus Christ. In Western Christianity, the celebration of the visit of the Three Wise Men, who followed an angel to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born? Both Irish and Amish Christians also know it as Three Kings Day and Little Christmas. The Epiphany concludes the twelve days of Christmas and is the traditional end of the Christmas season.

As early as the fourth century, the churches of the Eastern Roman Empire have celebrated Christmas on January 6. People in the West celebrate Christmas on December 25, which is why in some places the Epiphany is the old Christmas. Later, many cultures have chosen names and traditions for themselves to celebrate this day. In Scandinavia, for example, they celebrate what they call Little Christmas Eve on December 23. In Spain, children traditionally do not accept gifts on Christmas Day but instead on January 6. , to commemorate the day The Wise Men come to Bethlehem to bring gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. In Ireland, they also call it Little Christmas Women's Christmas, because Irish men take on household chores during the day. Other popular traditions include singing, chalking open doors, blessing one's home, eating king tricycle, going to church and swimming in winter. As is customary, many Christians will get rid of their Christmas decorations on Epiphany, even though other Christian countries have removed them historically on Candles. According to the first tradition, people who do not mind removing their Christmas decorations on Epiphany must leave them untouched until Candles.

Five interesting facts about Epiphany

  1. Origin

The word ‘epiphany’ originated from the word ‘epiphainein’ in the Greek, with meaning ‘to make known’, ‘to manifest’, or ‘to shine upon’.

  1. Three astrologers

It is believed that the Wise Men is less similar to kings and more like astrologers - the word "magi" is derived from "magus", an Old Persian priesthood caste with special attention to the stars.

  1. The rule of threes

The Bible never mentions how many wise men there are, it simply says that there are ‘the wise men from the east’. Most have assumed number three based on three gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

  1. Filling in the blanks

While their names were not initially mentioned, the latter narratives identified the Magi by name and place of origin: Melchior from Persia, Caspar from India, and Balthazar from Arabic.

  1. Three men and one gospel

Matthew is the only one of the four canonical gospels to mention the martyrs.

How to celebrate Epiphany

There are many interesting activities to celebrate this day. You can go out and gather with your friends to go caroling. Caroling is still allowed after Christmas Day and there are plenty of songs for you to sing with your heart and soul. Moreover, many cultures still give gifts at Little Christmas in honor of the Three Wise Men who have visited the Child Jesus, according to their tradition and do the same. Many Christians celebrate Epiphany as the end of the Christmas season and traditionally remove their decorations on this day.


Epiphany has been observed annually on January 6th.


Friday, January 6th, 2023

Saturday, January 6th, 2024

Monday, January 6th, 2025

Tuesday, January 6th, 2026

Wednesday, January 6th, 2027

Also on Monday, January 6th, 2025

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