Mardi Gras

(Also known as Fat Tuesday)

Mardi Gras is observed next on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 (18 days from today).

How many days until Mardi Gras?


Mardi Gras Festival is also known as Fat Tuesday, this is an annual traditional festival that attracts many visitors from around the world to experience.

Mardi in French is translated as third and Gras is fat or excess. The name of this unique traditional festival originates from the Christian Western countries. Most of them have the custom of storing food and food in the house to use for many days. Then take it all out and eat it all on the third day, just before the fourth day - Ash Wednesday on this day all Christians are required to fast.

Today, Mardi Gras is no longer a traditional Christian holiday, but has become a real festival with loud, vibrant parades, and fun parties. This unique festival is held in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, around February or March every year.

The Mardi Gras festival is held annually in southern Louisiana, following the Cajun tradition. According to an old French story, in the Middle Ages, the poor would disguise themselves in masks and straw hats called Capuchons. They perform energetically in exchange for food on holidays.

Many localities in Cajun still organize Mardi Grass in a closed way, not allowing women and non-towners to participate. However, some other places are more open and organize a lot of interesting and unique activities that attract tourists from all over the world to experience.

The Mardi Gras festival is as colorful as a big party, and not suitable for the faint of heart. The traditional activities along with funny races like catching chickens or competitions all rolled together for a few miles to see who gets to the finish line first helps when the festival becomes livelier.

Mardi Gras may sound loud to many people, but it's an activity that means a lot to the Cajun culture and community. Besides this unique festival is also famous for the king cake, which is an iconic cake of this festival. According to tradition, a small statue is hidden inside the cakes and whoever wins this cake will have to organize a festival next year.

Mardi Gras Festival is currently one of the most important events in the lives of people in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. This is a unique and unique traditional festival that you should not miss.

History of Mardi Gras

Traditionally this festival is 150 years old, with beer, costumes, parades and dances as it is an important event in the economic and spiritual life of New Orleans people. Mardi Gras or "Mardi Gras Season", and "Carnival season", refer to events that celebrate the carnival, which begins on or after Epiphany and culminates on the day before Ash Wednesday. Mardi Gras is French Fat Tuesday.

Traditionally this festival is 150 years old, with beer, costumes, parades and dances as it is an important event in the economic and spiritual life of New Orleans people.

Mardi Gras or "Mardi Gras Season", and "Carnival season", refer to events that celebrate the carnival, which begins on or after Epiphany and culminates on the day before Ash Wednesday. Mardi Gras is French for Fat Tuesday, referring to the final night's practice of eating richer, more fatty meals before the ritual fasting of Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday. The day is sometimes called Shrove Tuesday, from shrive, meaning "confess". Popular activities associated with the pre-fasting celebrations and religious obligations associated with the penitential season of Lent. Mardi Gras Festival is considered a very important event in the cultural and spiritual life of the people of New Orleans. The festival is held in New Orleans, Louisiana, around February or March every year.


In the past, everyone thought that the first American city to celebrate Mardi Gras was Louisiana. But after comparing with history, it was confirmed that Alabama was the first place in the United States to celebrate (in 1699) and the person who brought this holiday to America was the French-Canadian explorer Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville .

This traditional festival is often seen in European countries or some countries with Christian traditions. This festival is also celebrated differently according to different regions. Popular places to celebrate these holidays include the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, the Canadian city of Quebec, the Mexican city of Mazatlan, the US cities of New Orleans and Louisiana, Latin and Caribbean.


Mardi Gras has been observed 47 days before Easter.


Tuesday, February 21st, 2023

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Tuesday, March 4th, 2025

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