National Family Recreation Day

National Family Recreation Day is observed next on Saturday, June 7th, 2025 (175 days from today).

How many days until National Family Recreation Day?


History of National Family Recreation Day

National Family Recreation Day promotes family participation in physical activity in support of one of the goals of the US Surgeon General's Health and Physical Activity Report. When families work together to stay healthy, the odds of success increase. Incorporation between exercise and a healthy diet into a family's lifestyle will bring a lot of benefits. It's like a celebration. Who celebrates alone?

When we make the health goals as the family goal, it becomes much more significant. One way to achieve better fitness is to cook together. As we do so, we learn which flavors fit their lifestyle best. While learning new exercise routines, families also encourage each other. When one member achieves success, it challenges other family members to pick up the pace. We support each other by cycling, walking, or getting to the next peak.

When we make the experience positive, we also improve relationships among family members. Together we grow and develop new skills that we will carry with us for a lifetime.

How to celebrate National Family Recreation Day

Get out and play as a family. It is important to do physical activities every day. Whether the whole family goes for a walk, throws a Frisbee, or plays with the dog, it gets the heart rate up. Another thing to do is learn the serving size. Then go through the house and reduce or eliminate unhealthy snacks in the house. Replace them with fruits and vegetables. Start cooking together. Aim for at least one meal a week and cook together every day.

Other ways to celebrate this day include:

  • Invite the family to suggest their favorite exercises.
  • Incorporate vegetables into your breakfast routine.
  • Take the kids to the grocery store to help them understand their options.
  • Take part in a group by family to encourage your family get involved.


National Family Recreation Day has been observed the first Saturday in June.


Saturday, June 3rd, 2023

Saturday, June 1st, 2024

Saturday, June 7th, 2025

Saturday, June 6th, 2026

Saturday, June 5th, 2027

Also on Saturday, June 7th, 2025

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