National Meatball Day

National Meatball Day is observed next on Sunday, March 9th, 2025 (20 days from today).

How many days until National Meatball Day?


National Meatball Day is celebrated on March 9 every year. Meatballs mixed with other ingredients, such as breadcrumbs, eggs, minced onions, butter, and spices. Meatballs are cooked by frying, grilling, steaming or braizing in a sauce. There are several types of meatballs made using different meats and seasonings. Beef, pork, and veal are most popular, but they can be created with chicken, fish, or even vegan. Firstly, meatballs are only used with spaghetti but later meatballs becomes popular in many other dishes. You can find many different dumpling recipes all over Europe and Asia. From Iberia to India, there are many varieties of meatballs in the kofta family. Favorite’s meatball include Pasta and Meatballs, Swedish Meatballs, Sub Meatballs, Meatball Pizza, Turkey Meatballs, Lamb Meatballs, Hedgehog Meatballs (made with rice) and more. There are just over 50 types of meatballs served in New York.

History of National Meatball Day

There are many methods to make meatballs. You can ground or mincemeat beef, pork or lamb, then mix them with spices, breadcrumbs, eggs … and roll it into balls to bake, fry or braise later.

This delicious invention has been recorded in culinary records many times throughout history. There is a record of Chinese recipes dating back to 221 BC and ancient Rome. They also have a few requests for meatballs with many of the recipes!

Meatballs have long been a staple of Persian cuisine, from which derives the technique of 'gilding' (coating or glazing the meatballs). Köfte are consumed throughout the Middle East and Asia, especially popular in India with vegetarian versions. In Turkey, köfte is one of the most popular version, which has many different variations.

Although the origin of meatballs are from the East and Europe, they eventually appeared at the US and are a favorite dish now. Americans are also finding new and creative ways to consume their meatballs, including on pizza and long sandwiches (known as subs).

Today, this dish is also often associated with Sweden thanks to the popularity of the Swedish furniture chain IKEA's meatballs. In fact, IKEA sells a whopping one billion meatballs a year - there's nothing like enjoying this delicious meal after a hard day of shopping!

It is easy to see that people have been enjoying meatballs for a long time and all over the world.

Top tips for making delicious meatballs

While there are many ways to prepare this dish, you need a few key tips.

First of all - the ingredients. Meatballs should be well seasoned with salt and other spices, and you should also add some fresh herbs like parsley or basil for extra greens! If you're feeling adventurous, you can even stuff your meatballs with fillers like cheese or form them around other foods, such as eggs.

Next - build the perfect meatball. Meatballs can be any size you like and there are also several flattened versions, so you don't even have to achieve the classic ball shape! Whatever you use, you should wet or lightly oil your hands as this prevents the ingredients from sticking to your hands. Also, remember to squeeze well to help them stick together.

Finally - cook. If you're frying them, make sure they're well cooked on one side before flipping them over as this will help keep them from breaking. It is also great if you let the meatballs stew, this is how they soak up the delicious flavor. There are many possible accompaniments to your meatballs - sauces, gravies, curries and soups depending on which part of the world your recipe comes from. Other popular meatball pairs include potatoes, pasta, rice, and jam.

However you make meatballs, be sure to make a batch large enough that all your friends and family can try them!

How to celebrate National Meatball Day

National Meatball Day, like any other food holiday, should be enjoyed with your loved ones. The hardest part about preparing for National Meatball Day is choosing which country recipe you're going to use. Lucky for you, this is an event that happens every year, so you can choose a new country to try each year if you like. Or you can get really adventurous and try many things at once!

What's your favorite way to enjoy meatballs? There are many ways to create them. It is so special if you add them to your pizza or on a sandwich? Would you rather stick to your family's traditions or try to create something new? It's time to shine - spend a whole day on delicious meatballs! If you're on a diet, there are a lot of vegetarian and vegan choices, such as chickpeas koftas and tempeh, quinoa, or black bean meatballs.

It doesn't matter if you are a chef or cooking for the first time. Making a meal with meatballs is so easy that you look like the star in your kitchen. Just do a search using your favorite search engine for meatball recipes and pick one that looks delicious (that could be all!). And if you really want to learn from the best, then why not sign up for a cooking class?

Meatballs can be an appetizer, accompaniment or the star of the meal. To celebrate, you and your friends who love to cook can have a great evening by asking each person to bring their own dish and then choosing a favorite - treat it like a meal chef party! With a little ingenuity, a prize can even be awarded to grace the winner's coat.

If you don't feel like cooking, head to a nearby restaurant that serves meatballs - here you can really relax and enjoy delicious food from the experts! And they may also have special deals and discounts to celebrate the day.

Once you've had your fill, relax on the couch and enjoy a meatball-related movie, such as Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs including meatballs, rain falls from the sky or Lady and the Tramp (which features the famous spaghetti-eating scene in which Tramp lovingly hands Lady the last meatball). However, you love National Meatball Day, don't forget to document your adventure by snapping a few pictures and sharing them on social media!


National Meatball Day has been observed annually on March 9th.


Thursday, March 9th, 2023

Saturday, March 9th, 2024

Sunday, March 9th, 2025

Monday, March 9th, 2026

Tuesday, March 9th, 2027

Also on Sunday, March 9th, 2025

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