National Raisin and Spice Bar Day

National Raisin and Spice Bar Day is observed next on Saturday, April 5th, 2025 (70 days from today).

How many days until National Raisin and Spice Bar Day?


National Raisin and Spice Bar Day is celebrated every year on April 5. This barbecue is easy to make and is loved by many. This also allows you to customize it to suit your own personal taste. If you like nuts, you can add nuts, if you like vanilla, here's how to add vanilla. Some variations include adding some powdered sugar and icing for extra sweetness. However, most people would agree that these dishes mixed with raisins and cinnamon are so great.

History of Raisins

Researchers have believed that raisins were found by accident since 2000 BC. The grapes were left on the vine and withered in the sun. The ancients tried these dried fruits and then raisins were born. Raisins have used as decorations in the Mediterranean regions of Europe. Raisin making began to increase between 120 and 900 BC. During this time, the Phoenicians began growing grapes in the warm climates of Spain and Greece. These growing areas are the perfect climate for raisin production. These locations are also close to the first raisins markets including Greece and Rome. Different variations of raisins also began to appear during this time. From Spain, muscat raisins are extremely popular and feature oversized seeds and full fruit flavors. From Greece, the more common raisins are raisins, which are smaller, seedless and fragrant.

Raisins are consumed with the large quantities by the Greeks and Romans. Therefore, raisins are very popular and the value also increases. Raisins are given as prizes in sports competitions, as currency for trade, and often as a medicine for ailments such as mushroom poisoning. Although very popular, raisins don't go much outside of the Mediterranean region. Transport methods do not keep grapes fresh for longer journeys than necessary. In the 11th century, this changed when the knights returned from the crusades. These knights brought raisins and made them become popular in Northern Europe. Transport methods were improved at the time to allow these knights to once again eat their raisins.

By the mid-14th century, raisins had become an important part of European cuisine. In 1374, the price of raisins was extremely high and they were valued at 2 pence and 3 farts per pound. To keep prices down, many Britons tried to grow their own grapes to make raisins but quickly realized their cold, humid climate was not ideal for growing and drying raisins. This love of grapes and raisins spread to the Americas as they were conquered by Europeans, and raisins quickly became a global favorite.

Why National Raisins and Spice Bar Day?

Joy can often be found in the shape of raisins and spices straight from the oven. According to the bakers, these delicious bars can be made in many different ways.

This day is mainly celebrated to honor this delicious food and to let people know how much they can please you. This delicious dish is very simple to make and is loved by many people. This fun also allows you to personalize this to your taste. The spices in this meal are also a great way to make your home smell good.

They are delicious with a delicate texture, juicy raisins, and just the right amount of spice. They easily create and deliver great snacks or treats.

This is a great day to make your own homemade bars. You can make raisins and cinnamon sticks using a variety of recipes.

Fun truths about National Raisins and Spice Bar Day

  • All spice, Cinnamon, chopped pecans or walnuts, and raisins are often added to raisin spice bars.
  • There is no official evidences about the origins and the creator of National Raisin and Spice Bar Day.
  • The word “raisin” is originated from the Latin racemes, which means a group of grapes or cherries.
  • Raisins were appeared in Persia and Egypt and mentioned in the Bible in the time of Moses. David has received one hundred bunches of raisins.
  • The color of raisins are depended on the way to dry them. For example, black raisins, dark purple, are sun-dried. In specific drying tubes, raisins of light to moderate brown color are actively dried.
  • California produces 50% of the raisins on earth.
  • The best and most effective way to store raisins is in a cold room. After opening the package, place in a sealed bag and keep refrigerated. If raisins are kept in the refrigerator, they will retain their flavor, color, and nutritional value. They can be frozen and stored longer. At ambient temperature, raisins melt quickly.
  • One ton of raisins requires more than 4 tons of grapes. The best raisins are said to have originated in Malaga, Spain.

How to celebrate this day

  • You can celebrate this day by having a party at your house with your friends and family.
  • You can invite your friends to enjoy some different types of raisins and spice bars together, or you can organize a contest to be the queen/king of raisin and spice bars.
  • Share your party and barbecue pictures with hashtags such as #raisinandspicebarday and #myraisinandsicebar and make people crave them.


National Raisin and Spice Bar Day has been observed annually on April 5th.


Wednesday, April 5th, 2023

Friday, April 5th, 2024

Saturday, April 5th, 2025

Sunday, April 5th, 2026

Monday, April 5th, 2027

Also on Saturday, April 5th, 2025

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