National Waiters and Waitresses Day

(Also known as Waitstaff Day)

National Waiters and Waitresses Day is observed next on Wednesday, May 21st, 2025 (92 days from today).

How many days until National Waiters and Waitresses Day?


Just for a minute, think of all the people who serve you food and drinks: bartenders remembering how much you like your incredibly complex coffee drinks, point-of-sale waiters sandwich, who helps arrange all your large group orders, bartender serving your gin and tonic with a piece of UK distillery history.

History of National Waiters and Waitresses Day

On May 21st, National Waiters and Waitresses Day recognizes dedicated and often talented service workers. We are encouraged to show appreciation to all wait staff for making our dining experience enjoyable. At the same time, restaurant owners and restaurant managers also acknowledge and express their appreciation to their service staff. They help restaurants thrive.

Waiters, servers, are a big determinant of the quality of your meal. They act as communicators between the diner and the kitchen. While meeting the needs of multiple tables at once, they also represent the restaurant. Seasoned wait staff is knowledgeable and efficient. They are also keys to creating an exceptional dining experience. The food may be delicious, but their care and attitude can make or change the entire experience.

Most waitstaff go to great lengths to make sure you receive excellent service and make sure you have the best time possible. They refill your drink before you ask for it, bring extra sandwiches, rolls or chips, make honest recommendations on food choices when requested, and are a valuable asset to our customers at any restaurant. Excellent waiters turn diners into regulars known by name.

Gaylord Ward founded National Waiters and Waitresses Day in order to give an ideal opportunity for restaurant owners and patrons to recognize excellence of their waitstaff.

Some things waitstaff wish you stop doing

  • Refusing to listen to special things

Waiters are often asked to tell you about specials and also often receive bonuses for enticing diners to order, so listen politely - you'll probably love the Surprise of the Top that kitchen.

  • Ask another waiter to order your food

Having a second server involved can not only add to the newcomer's workload, but it can sometimes mean the loss of a tip for one server or another.

  • Don't read menu description

If you have food allergies or a similar diet, it is your responsibility to read the menu descriptions carefully, not just skim the names of the dishes.

  • Wish all the food was on the table at once

This may be realistic if your party has four or fewer people, but if you're bringing a crowd of 15, it is unreasonable to for the kitchen staff to serve all people at the same time.

  • Say nothing when you realize there is something wrong

If there's a problem with your meal or with the service, your waiter wants to know so they have a chance to fix the situation, rather than leaving you unsatisfied and most likely leaving a tip.

Why National Waiters and Waitresses Day be loved

  • They help us relax

The whole point of dining out is to enjoy good food, a pleasant atmosphere, and the ability to relax without washing the dishes, cleaning or rinsing. Your restaurant contact is your waiter or waitress, and they'll be happy to do all the work for you! They allow us to relax and have a pleasant experience.

  • They know what's best

Waiters have tried all the dishes, heard reviews from previous customers, and are restaurant experts. They know the best dishes, wine combinations and are full of helpful suggestions to make your meal memorable.

  • Because we all want to go where everyone knows your name

If you've found the perfect combination of delicious food, warm and friendly atmosphere and professional service, become a regular and make it a neighborhood hangout, one of the best feelings in the world. Develop a relationship with the waitstaff, and they will guide you through the best dishes on the menu - and steer you away from dishes where the chef isn't perfect. We all love the feeling of being greeted with a smile, and the waiters delivering the goods.

Celebrating National Waiters and Waitresses Day

Honestly, it's not always easy being a host. They work hard to represent their restaurant as well as keep customers satisfied. A positive dining experience begins and ends with outstanding service. On National Waiters and Waitresses Day, make sure the waiters out there get the respect they deserve. Here are five tips on how to show appreciation to waiters and waitresses today.

  • Give them a tip

Tipping is the original form of respect and support. If you can afford, how about giving them a bigger tip than usual, right? Even if this number is around 30%, you can be sure that they will be happy to receive it. A larger tip will not only reduce their wallet, but will also make them feel better at work.

  • Words of encouragement

Take a minute to tell them how great the work they are doing. Nothing can make them feel better about their performance than verbal recognition from their customers. Also, if they have time, have a quick chat with them.

  • Write them a note

Leave a small note on the bill after you pay. This visual structure will mean a lot to your servers and will be proof to them of a job well done. It doesn't have to be long. Simply send a quick “thank you” to show appreciation for their hard work.

  • Give a gift

There is another great idea on National Waiter and Waitress Day! Bring a gift to give to your favorite waiter or waiter. It can be a thank you card or a gift card. Just show them that they are recognized and respected for their service in the community.

  • Kind and polite

Waiters and waitresses serve all types of customers throughout the year. Kindness and respect can brighten a host's day. You can even help them by cleaning up a mess on the table after your meal. Help clean up by stacking dishes and picking up trash on the table.


National Waiters and Waitresses Day has been observed annually on May 21st.


Sunday, May 21st, 2023

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024

Wednesday, May 21st, 2025

Thursday, May 21st, 2026

Friday, May 21st, 2027

Also on Wednesday, May 21st, 2025

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