Take a Missionary to Lunch Day

Take a Missionary to Lunch Day is observed next on Wednesday, January 14th, 2026 (336 days from today).

How many days until Take a Missionary to Lunch Day?


Take a Missionary to Lunch Day History

Bringing the Missionary to Lunch Day is the anniversary of the birthday of Albert Schweitzer, a Nobel Prize-winning missionary to Africa.

Today, missionaries are found in several countries of the world. A missionary is a member of a spiritual group sent to perform literacy, education, economic development, and health care services. Albert Schweitzer is a famous evangelist who won the Noble Prize. He served as a missionary in Africa.

How to observe Take a Missionary to Lunch Day

Below are some suggestions to celebrate this holiday:

  • Tell it in the most obvious way—take a missionary to lunch! Better yet, take the whole family out for lunch or dinner. Call your church or local Christian organizations to see if any missionaries are at home.
  • Can't find a missionary to take to lunch? Put together a "lunch basket" to send to the missionaries abroad. Includes a variety of items that they may not have. Let your kids choose their favorite snacks to send to the mission kids.
  • We often think of missionaries as those who only serve God in distant third world countries. Show children how they can be missionaries in their community.
  • Ask your church or denomination for the addresses (or e-mail addresses) of missionaries whose children are close in age to yours. Start by sending them a letter to ask about some hobbies, daily schedule, and new experiences. Don’t forget to ask about how to pray for them.
  • Read a book about the life of Albert Scheweitzer.
  • Ask a missionary how your family can pray for them next year. If the missionary is in a third world country, can you help by sending school supplies to their children? Find ways to stay in touch with the missionary's family.
  • Design "Get to know you" scrapbook. Give family members photos to fit in a photo album. Everyone designs some pages with images and descriptive captions. Include brochures from your hometown. Compile scrapbook and send it to a missionary family.
  • Along with taking a missionary to lunch, give missionaries living in the United States gift certificates to restaurants. They will appreciate being able to take their family out to eat on a limited budget.


Take a Missionary to Lunch Day has been observed annually on January 14th.


Sunday, January 14th, 2024

Tuesday, January 14th, 2025

Wednesday, January 14th, 2026

Thursday, January 14th, 2027

Friday, January 14th, 2028

Also on Wednesday, January 14th, 2026

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