World Parkinson's Disease Day
World Parkinson's Disease Day is observed next on Friday, April 11th, 2025 (57 days from today).

April 11 every year is World Parkinson's disease Day and April is Parkinson's Awareness Month. Happy Birthday James Parkinson! He is a neuroscientist, geologist, scientist and activist. He was born on April 11, 1755 and died on December 21, 1824. Every year, we celebrate World Parkinson's Day on his birthday, April 11, and we focus our attention on awareness of the disease. Parkinson is in April in honor of him and his discoveries.
What is the symbol of Parkinson's disease? Certainly, the red tulip
When you see a pink ribbon, you might think of a breast cancer survivor or breast cancer recognition. Likewise, to recognize Alzheimer's disease, a purple ribbon is the color chosen. What's interesting is that for Parkinson's disease awareness, it's a red tulip. This red tulip was developed by J.W.S. Van der Wereld, a Dutch gardener with Parkinson's disease. He dedicated and named this tulip to James Parkinson. This tulip is described as follows, “outside is brilliant cardinal red, margin is white with small hairs, base outside is white; Inside, grape-red to turkey-red, margin white with broad feathers, anther pale yellow.
James Parkinson published “An Essay on the Paralytic” in 1817
When you read about James Parkinson, you will notice his intelligence and compassion towards helping others. “James Parkinson (1755–1824) worked as a general practitioner in the semi-urban village of Hoxton, northeast of the City of London, where he was born and where he lived all his life. In addition to his day-to-day work in general practice, James Parkinson is also a public health reformer, an infection control advocate in London hospitals, a paramedic for a hospital Hoxton, and a writer of political pamphlets, a geologist and fossilist, and the author of a chemistry textbook. "
The essay itself described, very carefully and precisely, Parkinson's disease, which he called vibratory paralysis. He did not use his name for the disorder after. Dr. Jean-Martin Charcot thinks Parkinson's name deserves to be associated with the disorder he so accurately describes; hence, "Maladie de Parkinson" (Parkinson's disease). The essay describes six patients with detailed comments such as "Too mild and almost imperceptible is the first infiltration of this disease, and its progression is very slow, rarely occurring so much so that the patient can form any recollection of its exact period initiation. The first symptoms are a feeling of mild weakness, tremors in specific parts; sometimes in the head, however, most common in hands and arms."
Furthermore, he goes further, “But as the disease continues, even a temporary relief of toleration of excitability of the extremities is denied. The tendency to lean forward becomes invincible, and the patient is thus forced to step on the toes and forefoot, while the upper body is thrown forward to make it difficult to avoid falling in the face. "
Parkinson was aware of the sufferings these patients had to go through, "the unfortunate man regarded it as an evil, from its dominion from which he had no prospect".
Parkinson even hopes to find a cure for this disorder, “…there seems to be enough reason to hope that some treatment might have been discovered long ago, at least, in progress. Disease progression can be stopped. There was an extra link to the complete essay to the references section.
Hope you have a healthy and happy life with Parkinson's disease
In my opinion, some knowledge and a history lesson about a disorder called Parkinson's disease plays an important role. However, I want to focus on your continuing journey with Parkinson's disease. Try to stay optimistic and hopeful; use courage and perseverance if you feel lost or defeated; balance your life with exercise to try to slow the progression; use mindfulness to calm yourself; and always remember that you are still you, the person in you is still there today and there will be many more days to come.
World Parkinson's Disease Day has been observed annually on April 11th.Dates
Tuesday, April 11th, 2023
Thursday, April 11th, 2024
Friday, April 11th, 2025
Saturday, April 11th, 2026
Sunday, April 11th, 2027