Accelerate ACL Awareness Among Young Women Day
(Also known as National AAAYW Day)
Accelerate ACL Awareness Among Young Women Day is observed next on Saturday, April 5th, 2025 (52 days from today).
• How many days until Accelerate ACL Awareness Among Young Women Day?

April 5th every year is the celebration of Accelerate ACL Awareness Among Young Women Day or National AAAYW Day in order to raise awareness among parents, coaches, educators, and young women, so that young women can be educated on how to prevent and treat injuries from ACL.
As far as you know that ACL or the anterior cruciate ligament is a ligament in the knee. The ACL can be stretched, partially torn, or completely torn, the latter being the most common. Injuries are usually caused by sudden stops, rapid changes of direction (known as cuts), landing after jumping, and direct contact with the knee.
Approximately 200,000 people are affected by ACL problems in the United States each year. Women have a higher risk of injury in certain sports – women are two to eight times more likely to develop ACL stress in cut and jump sports than men. Gymnastics is the sport in which women have the highest rates of ACL injuries, and injuries are also high in basketball and football.
There are many differences between men and women that a risk of ACL injury in women is higher than in men. Women tend to have less muscle protection in the knee joint, have differences in the pelvis and leg alignment than men, and have differences in ligament laxity due to hormonal differences such as estrogen and relaxin. Women have neuromuscular imbalances that are explained by theories. The theory that governs the ligaments states that when women jump, their muscles do not absorb enough force from the ground, resulting in the knee having to absorb more force. Quadriceps dominance theory states that women tend to stabilize their knee joints by using the quadriceps, which can put stress on the ACL. Leg dominance theory states that women tend to put more weight on one leg than the other. At last, the trunk dominance theory asserts that men will have more control of the trunk than women and that women land with their heads tilted more, exerting more rotational force on their knees.
Appropriate athletic conditioning and training programs, including neuromuscular training and core strengthening, as well as emphasizing proper landing from jumps, can be effective in preventing ACL injuries for young female athletes. This was corroborated by the International Olympic Committee after they reviewed prevention strategies.
Treatment of an ACL injury varies depending on how much activity is desired in the future and can range from non-surgical treatment to ligament reconstruction. With reconstruction, a portion of tendon from another part of the body or even from a cadaver is used. The use of the joint is extended and strengthens the muscles surrounding the knee after surgery.
How to celebrate this day
If you have any great idea for this day, of course, let spend this day on learning more about how to prevent and treat ACL injuries. How about getting knowledge about the International Olympic Committee's statement and also make sure to discuss the importance of preventing ACL injuries with any young female athletes you know.
Accelerate ACL Awareness Among Young Women Day has been observed annually on April 5th.Dates
Wednesday, April 5th, 2023
Friday, April 5th, 2024
Saturday, April 5th, 2025
Sunday, April 5th, 2026
Monday, April 5th, 2027