Asparagus Day

Asparagus Day is observed next on Saturday, May 24th, 2025 (211 days from today).

How many days until Asparagus Day?


It's Asparagus Day, so enjoy this very healthy vegetable that contains folic acid, potassium, fiber, vitamins B6, vitamins A and C, thiamin is also low in sodium and contains no cholesterol or fat.

Asparagus Day is celebrated on May 24th, and we're ready to eat! Asparagus production in the United States is concentrated between three states: California, Michigan, and Washington, and preferably in the spring, making it the perfect cooking vegetable. This versatile vegetable can be sautéed, fried, grilled or grilled, and it's packed with nutrients like fiber, folate, and vitamins A, C, and E.

History of Asparagus Day

Asparagus is an ancient vegetable. The ancient Greeks and Romans used it as an offering as far back as 3000 BC. They use the Persian word "asparagus", which means shoot or sprout. The term 'Sperage' has grown in popularity over the years and in the 16th century we see the term 'sparagus' being used in English speaking countries. Farmers call it 'sparrow grass.'

Asparagus was appeared in North America thanks to European settlers as early as 1655. A Dutch immigrant to New Netherland, Adriaen van der Donck, mentioned asparagus in his description of farming practices of the Dutch in the New World. Morover, asparagus was also planted by British immigrants. In 1685, an advertisement for Pennsylvania by William Penn displayed a list of crops that grow well in American climates including asparagus.

Nowadays, asparagus is the mainly product in three states of the United States including California, Michigan, and Washington. In 2019, the national average asparagus yield was about 4,076 pounds per acre, and total asparagus production was 84.39 million pounds.

Asparagus can take three years to go from seed to harvest, but the plant will produce spears for decades, making it a wonderful crop. However, it was quite laborious because the farmers selected each spear manually. They carefully dug around each spear to a depth of 9 inches and clamped it at the base. That's a lot of work!

Once considered an offering to the gods, asparagus continues to be honored today. In 2019, Oceana County, Michigan hosted the 46th National Asparagus Festival. Asparagus is a big variety.

Some truths about Asparagus

  • It was used as a gift

The ancient Greeks and Romans consider Asparagus as an offering to the gods.

  • It requires patience

It took three years from seeding.

  • Salt is the original weed killer

Modern farmers often rely on chemical herbicides to manage weed growth, but rock salt is an ancient alternative.

  • It's a cure for a hangover

The minerals and amino acids present in it protect the liver from toxins, while the enzymes help break down alcohol and ease hangovers.

  • Asparagus has its own museum

You will find every interesting things and anything you want to know about asparagus at the European Asparagus Museum in Bavaria, Germany.

Major species

  • Garden asparagus

Garden asparagus, the most economically important species of the genus, is grown in most of the temperate and subtropical regions of the world. As a vegetable, it has been prized by epics since Roman times. It is usually served cooked, hot or in salads; The classic accompaniment is hollandaise sauce. In 2018, the top asparagus producers in the world were China, Peru, Mexico, Germany and Thailand. Commercial planting is not done in areas where the tree continues to grow year-round, as the shoots become thinner and less vigorous each year; a period of rest is required. In areas with a favorable climate and with proper care, growing asparagus can yield 10 to 15 years or longer. The best soil for asparagus is deep clay, loose, rich in organic matter and light sandy loam. Asparagus will thrive in soils that are too salty for other crops, but acidic soils should be avoided. Asparagus cutting times vary from 2 to 12 weeks, depending on the age of the plant and the climate.

In parts of France, most notably in Argenteuil, asparagus is often grown underground to inhibit chlorophyll growth. This white asparagus is prized for its softness and delicate flavor. In classical French culinary nomenclature, the word "Argenteuil" denotes a garnish with asparagus.

  • Other species

Some poisonous species are highly appreciated by their delicate and graceful foliage. Florist's fern (A. setaceus) is not a true fern and has hairy branches commonly used in bunches and other plant arrangements. Sprenger's fern (A.aethiopicus), bridal creeper (A. asparagoides) and asparagus fern (A. densiflorus) are grown for their attractive bordered leaves and are popular ornamentals.

Several species of Asparagus are endangered in their natural habitat. The fragmented habitat in the Canary Islands has resulted in a list of two species (A. fallax and A. nesiotes) as endangered and two species (A. arborescens and A. plocamoides) as vulnerable. A. kiusianus of Japan, A. sekukuniensis of South Africa and A. usambarensis of Tanzania are also listed as endangered, and one species in Spain, A. macrorrhizus, is critically endangered.

Some reasons for Asparagus Day being loved

  • Asparagus is very versatile

What can you do with spinach? Stir fry it? Toss it in a salad? What can you do with asparagus? Air fry, grill, bake, add to eggs, mix salads, and more. That deserves to be celebrated.

  • Nutritious asparagus

Asparagus not only provides fiber and folate, but it's also rich in saponins, a phytonutrient believed to reduce cancer risk and help maintain blood pressure, blood sugar regulation, and control. lipid levels in the blood.

  • Asparagus burns fat

Asparagus contains the chemical asparagin, an alkaloid that has a direct effect on our body's cells and helps break down fats. Asparagus also includes a chemical that aids in the elimination of waste from the body, which reduces fat levels.

How to celebrate Asparagus Day

Celebrate the new day by eating asparagus! Eaten raw, steamed, boiled or cooked in soup. There are many recipes you can try. You can grow your own because there are many varieties of asparagus that you can grow. One of the most popular is called Mary Washington. Asparagus also grows in the wild and you can search for it. If you buy fresh asparagus from the store, choose strong, light green or pale ivory stalks with pointed ends. If you can't eat asparagus right away, you can extend its shelf life by about four days by wrapping it tightly in a plastic bag and placing it in the refrigerator, or by standing the stalks of asparagus up in a container for about an hour. inches of water. and cover the box with a plastic bag.


Asparagus Day has been observed annually on May 24th.


Wednesday, May 24th, 2023

Friday, May 24th, 2024

Saturday, May 24th, 2025

Sunday, May 24th, 2026

Monday, May 24th, 2027

Also on Saturday, May 24th, 2025

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