I Want You to be Happy Day

(Also known as National I Want You to be Happy Day)

I Want You to be Happy Day is observed next on Monday, March 3rd, 2025 (37 days from today).

How many days until I Want You to be Happy Day?


I Want You to Be Happy Day is celebrated on March 3 every year to encourage us to do something that makes others happy. It also asks us to see the happiness of others from their point of view. Putting a smile on someone's face also tends to make our smile look the same as ours.

I Want You to be Happy Day’s origin

According to research, it is still unclear who created and the reason behind the creation of National I Want You To Be Happy Day. It is said to have been created by a stationery company or an Ecard company. However, it is believed that it must be created to wish someone have a better day. It's a day of selfless and celebrated by doing everything you can to make someone's day special. This day is the rest for you to be happy first.

Celebrating I Want You to be Happy Day

There is no particular way to celebrate National I Wish You Happy Day because there are fewer ways to make others happy. Even someone's presence can make you feel more comfortable so on this day, spend some time with your loved ones. Express your gratitude for what you normally take for granted. Share your funny side with others. Just hug and tell your loved ones how much you love them and how much they mean to you. Post a photo and share your thoughts on social media about Independence Day I wish you happiness using the hashtag #IWantYouToBeHappyDay.

There is an exhaustive list of what you can do but here are a few to get you started:

1. Remind someone you love them. Telling someone you love them is a heartfelt reminder of how you feel for someone.

2. Pay for the coffee to the person behind you in life. Return it forward. Buying coffee for someone at random is bound to brighten anyone's day, especially since you never know how their morning turns out.

3. Write someone a nice note. Sometimes people need a reminder or some warm lighthearted story, and a simple note makes that gesture so much better because you tried to write someone.

4. Give someone a compliment. People have always loved that genuine confidence. Telling someone a compliment can instantly make them feel less negative about themselves

5. Hold the door for someone. We all have those days trying to bring back ten bags of groceries on a trip and you're so grateful when a doorman stays a little longer just for you. So be sure to do it in return.

6. Bring someone some homemade gifts. We all love gestures. Especially since it means that the person tried to do something do-it-yourself just for you.

7. Listen. Sometimes all we need is a soundboard. On days when we're in a bad mood or just in a good mood, it's great if you have a listening ear - saying the normal things makes someone feel better so all the those thoughts and feelings are not crammed inside.

8. Smile. A certain smile brings a smile to anyone's face.


I Want You to be Happy Day has been observed annually on March 3rd.


Friday, March 3rd, 2023

Sunday, March 3rd, 2024

Monday, March 3rd, 2025

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2026

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2027

Also on Monday, March 3rd, 2025

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