Ice Cream For Breakfast Day
Ice Cream For Breakfast Day is observed next on Saturday, February 7th, 2026 (355 days from today).

Eating ice cream for breakfast is basically every kid's dream. Well, that's it and can eat pizza for dinner every day. But even if you're not yet 8, you have to admit that there's something exciting about the idea of eating a big bowl of ice cream in the morning.
Make ice cream for breakfast on the first Saturday in February, also known as Ice Cream for Breakfast Day.
History of Ice Cream For Breakfast Day
In the 1960s, Ice Cream for Breakfast Day was created by housewife named Florence Rappaport from New York.
The idea behind today is simply that the 6 children of Florence are particularly bored on a cold and snowy February morning, and she has to come up with something to entertain them so they don't get bored and irritable. As she herself explained years later, “It was cold and snowy and the children complained that it was too cold to do anything. So I just said, "Let's have ice cream for breakfast."
The following year, the children of Florence, who had clearly enjoyed the new little holiday their mother had created, reminded her of it and so they celebrated again, and the day has become a tradition.
The holiday is also really notable thanks to Florence's grandchildren, who have traveled extensively — Ice Cream Day for Breakfast has been celebrated in countries around the world, from Germany to Nepal, all the way to Namibia.
These worldwide celebrations range from small family gatherings to large parties and have been featured in the Chinese edition of Cosmopolitan as well as local magazines and newspapers. Israel's Haaretz newspaper ran Ice Cream for Breakfast twice a day, once in Hebrew and once in English.
Interesting Facts about Ice Cream
- It is said that the waffle cone of ice cream was created by accident.
- An ice cream fruit in Hawaii is Pacay, Ice Cream Bean.
- 50 licks to eat a scoop of ice cream!
- It takes 11 quarts of whole milk to make one gallon of ice cream. No wonder it's so creamy.
- The world record for the largest ice cream cone ever was achieved in 2015 in Norway with a cone over three meters high!
- According to NASA, ice cream is one of the three foods that astronauts miss the most when they perform space missions. The other two? Pizza and soda.
- Chocolate ice cream was invented before vanilla! I know right!?
- Ice cream headaches are the result of nerve endings in the roof of your mouth sending a message to your brain about heat loss!
- Did you know that some of the more exotic flavors out there are Avocado, garlic, azuki bean, jalapeno and pumpkin?
- In the UK, the average individual consumes 7 liters of ice cream in a year! However, Finland is ahead of the UK, where one person consumes 14 liters of ice cream per year!
How to celebrate Ice Cream for Breakfast Day
Consider Ice Cream for Breakfast Day to be the perfect day to enjoy a sweet breakfast and spend time with family as well. What could create a better atmosphere than the whole family sitting around the table together, talking, joking and eating ice cream together? And to make mornings even more fun, why not make some special custard tarts?
Buy some Neapolitan ice cream, some real whipped cream, maraschino cherries, and chocolate sauce, and arrange everything beautifully into some pretty bowls. You can even buy some decorative wafers to make the jellies even more beautiful. However, if you feel ice cream has too much fat or sugar for your family, don't worry!
There are plenty of alternatives, such as frozen yogurt, that you can even make your own and garnish with fresh fruit. This option will provide your family with the little protein your body needs to thrive, as well as the “good bacteria” your body needs for your digestive system to function properly.
In fact, these bacteria are so good for the body that they are often referred to as “probiotics,” a word that literally means “for life.” No matter how you decide to celebrate Ice Cream Day for Breakfast, don't forget to spend this morning enjoying the little things in life.
But isn't this the wrong date!?
There are actually two holidays with very similar names but established for very different reasons. Today is not to be confused with Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day which takes place on 18 February in honor of the bright soul Malia Grace who passed away from cancer. The day was established to honor all children who have been or are battling childhood cancer.
Ice Cream For Breakfast Day has been observed the first Saturday in February.Dates
Saturday, February 3rd, 2024
Saturday, February 1st, 2025
Saturday, February 7th, 2026
Saturday, February 6th, 2027
Saturday, February 5th, 2028