National Carnation Day

(Also known as Carnation Day, Red Carnation Day)

National Carnation Day is observed next on Wednesday, January 29th, 2025 (4 days from today).

How many days until National Carnation Day?


Around the world there is National Carnation Day, which is celebrated on January 29 every year. This day, people honor the beautiful carnation and dedicate it to William McKinley, the 25th president of the United States.

Carnations have been the state emblem of Ohio since 1904 in honor of President William McKinley (an Ohio native). When he was alive, he loved to wear this flower on his chest.

Early in his political career, William McKinley's rival and close friend Dr. Levi L. Lamborn gave him a red carnation, the flower that Dr. and amateur gardener Levi L. Lamborn named the carnation "Lamborn Red", to wear during a debate. McKinley went on to win that debate and then the 1887 congressional election (he served in the Ohio House of Representatives for 14 years), and he considers this red carnation his lucky charm. He began wearing one in all election cycles, including both his ruler's victories and his 1896 presidential campaign. After his first presidential victory, McKinley began wearing a single carnation in his lapel at all times. He even kept a bouquet of flowers on the table in the Oval Office and would give them to visitors.

People also know McKinley as a generous person, he will always give flowers from his lapel to everyone he meets, though he will replace another flower as quickly as possible out of him faith. He was born on January 29, 1843. And later January 29 was taken as the anniversary of the carnation day. In 1901, a few months after his second term began, he was in Buffalo, New York for the Pan-American Exposition. While greeting the public, a 12 year old girl named Myrtle Ledger was stopped and greeted by him. Years later, Myrtle recalled that President McKinley had said, I must give this flower to another little flower, and then he gave her a lucky carnation. Just seconds later, President William McKinley was shot by an assassin's bullet and later died.

It wasn't until after President McKinley's death that the Ohio Congress passed a joint resolution on February 3, 1904, naming the scarlet carnation the official Ohio flower symbol. Fifty-five years later, on April 8, 1959, Alliance, Ohio "Carnation City” was named by the Ohio Legislature.

Another honor was bestowed on the pink carnation when it was officially chosen as the symbol of Mother's Day in 1907. Mothers all over the world loved to receive lovely bouquets of fragrant flowers on their special day. The carnation has also long been the representative of January. Therefore, if you want to give flowers to someone special born in January, a lovely bouquet of fresh carnations would be perfect!

Observing the National Carnation Day

On Carnation Day, if you ever visit Alliance, Ohio, look out for the fragrant scarlet carnation that has been Ohio's famous floral symbol for nearly a hundred years. You'll probably want to put one of your lapels in memory of President William McKinley.

Besides, carnation is also considered the flower of Mother. Prepare a bouquet of scarlet carnations for your Mother and a card thanking her for bringing you into this world. Use the hashtag #NationalCarnationDay to share your national carnation day.


National Carnation Day has been observed annually on September 14th (1902 to 1903) | annually on January 29th.


Sunday, January 29th, 2023

Monday, January 29th, 2024

Wednesday, January 29th, 2025

Thursday, January 29th, 2026

Friday, January 29th, 2027

Also on Wednesday, January 29th, 2025

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