National Good Teen Day
National Good Teen Day is observed next on Friday, January 16th, 2026 (356 days from today).
National Good Teen Day is observed annually on January 16th since 1993. Let's face it - adolescence can be difficult years for many children and adults. Mood swings, eye roll, attitude and getting behind the wheel can be enough to drive any parent crazy! If you are the parent of a teenager - life can be a bit chaotic.
It's important to remember that we were all teenagers but today there is more pressure on children. Peer pressure, school, hectic schedules, body image, acne, and dating can all add to the pressure on an already plump teen. Teenagers go through a lot of changes during adolescence. Add drugs, alcohol, cyberbullying, depression, financial anxiety and their pursuit of independence into the mix and it's no surprise that kids are stressed and erratic.
National Good Teen Day History
Teenagers: we've all been one, or maybe one now. They are about to enter high school, are in high school, or are starting college. Their bodies and minds are going through changes and they're figuring out who they really are: the things that define them as people and how they want to be seen by others. Sometimes they are overrated for being a troublemaker or disrespectful, but most of the time they are kind and helpful. They're learning to drive, going dancing, and having their first kiss. Peer pressure and bullying surrounds them. They worry about their grades but may be even more worried about their appearance. They may often think that their parents are incompetent, and may often ignore their rules, but deep down they are grateful that their parents cared for them. Some of these things may be truer for some people than others, but overall, they illustrate the teenage experience. National Youth Day is dedicated to teenagers, and to all those who are older but still carry the teenage spirit.
How to Observe National Teenager Day
If you are a teenager, today is the day for you! Celebrate this day by embracing your age and doing some of the things that define you as a teenager. If you're the parent of a teen, do something extra special for them today. Maybe you can take them out for pizza or ice cream or give them money to go to the movies. Everyone can get in touch with some of their friends from their teens, hang out and do something they used to do as teenagers. Some other ways to celebrate this day might be by listening to classic teen songs or watching teen movies, such as Rebel without a Cause, American Graffiti, Mean Girls, or The Breakfast Club.
National Good Teen Day has been observed annually on January 16th.Dates
Tuesday, January 16th, 2024
Thursday, January 16th, 2025
Friday, January 16th, 2026
Saturday, January 16th, 2027
Sunday, January 16th, 2028