Read in the Bathtub Day

Read in the Bathtub Day is observed next on Monday, February 9th, 2026 (360 days from today).

How many days until Read in the Bathtub Day?


Read in the Bathtub Day is celebrated on February 9 every year. Reading a book brings a lot of knowledge and information. Some tend to spend a little time and others more time when it comes to fiction and other genres. No matter how short or long, there is no place in the world that feels more comfortable to the reader than a bathtub. Many of us will not forget your librarian's scolding that your library books get wet in your bathtub. Those days are truly wonderful childhood memories and for the same purpose, Read in the Bathtub Day was created. Grab your favorite book and sit comfortably to spend time reading it.

History of Read in the Bathtub Day

It is easy to imagine the first person to read a book in the bathtub is some nobleman reading scrolls in a small tub as they try to figure out how to rule their kingdom. Maybe, but maybe that joy comes later when the tub, plumbing, and lighting make work more of a pleasure than a chore. It is not difficult to imagine that as books and comfort become more and more simple, this pastime has become a favorite pastime from the top to the bottom!

The origin of reading in the bath probably dates back to the Roman baths, the first culture to truly adopt bathing culture. The owners of these establishments often decorate them with scrolls on the walls or sometimes entire libraries. It is a way of consolidating everything into one place, presumably to cut costs. From our perspective, it is easy to imagine that Roman citizens were the first to read books in the bath. But whether they can do it or not remains to be proven.

During the Dark Ages, the concept of bathing went into decline and Roman baths fell into disrepair. However, the emergence of the individual, household bathroom during the Renaissance may have ushered in the modern era of reading in the bathtub.

Before toilet paper was invented, people would use whatever was lying around to wipe themselves. Sometimes these are leaves or pieces of straw from the farm. Occasionally, however, it's the printed word.

As a result, reading could have entered the bathroom through the back door, if you don't want to say. Once the industrial revolution started and prices dropped, old newspaper clippings seemed like the perfect mop aid.

However, water and paper must not be mixed, which means reading in the bath is always a high-risk activity. Many books were destroyed over the years after falling in the tub and being soaked.

Reading in the bathroom has been associated with Pulp magazine since the 1970s. It is likely to be consumed quickly, usually in the morning.

The researchers suggest that readings in the tub have increased since the advent of smartphones. Interestingly, the smartphone does not solve the water problem (unless you buy a waterproof model). However, it allows you to curate the content you use, rather than giving whatever story the press releases.

What do you do for Read in the Bathtub Day?

Did you know that there are many products available to help you read more safely in the bath? To celebrate Read in the Bathtub Day, you can take some time to look at them. There are several small shelves with space for all the things you might need and allows you to have a safe surface to place your books.

Some stores provide pillows around your side to keep the hard and cold porcelain cushions from hurting your next. They may come with essential oils or scents that are activated in the heat of the bath. Does it sound great? Is life so stressful and hectic that if you ever use it you will have to be careful not to doze off? I feel it too, but when you think about the chance to have some reading time, I bet you will be sober!

Let's talk about water. Yes, hot and wet are implied but why settle for normal only? Your favorite store features beautiful scented bubble bath shelves and racks, bath bombs, oils, and other ways for you to enhance your bathing experience. It is believed that bath salts can help relieve stress and promote circulation. The options are endless.

What will you read when immersing yourself in spa-like luxury? For Read in the Bathtub Day, treat yourself and do not bring anything work or career related. There is no treatise on self-improvement or career development, it is time to read and enjoy! Pick up the novel you have seen on the newsstand or download the latest horror movie that is sure to send chills down your spine. On the other hand, why not one of the classics? There are many options for you to choose from!

The best bathroom reading is episodic, meaning you have to consume small portions each day. Comics nailed this formula a long time ago, evolving the plot over multiple volumes, easily engaging. This method is by far the easiest, but there is nothing stopping you from creating your own fragmented reading list from any document you like. You can split your regular reading into short sections, allowing you to capture weekly installments, each time you take a relaxing bath.

Alternatively, if you want your reading to have a more formal structure, you can celebrate Read in the Bathtub Day by subscribing to a weekly publication on a topic you like. Importantly, make sure that the topic interests you. Make it a special event, not just something you feel you have to do.

Finally, do not forget sharing some great things you can do about Read in the Bathtub Day on social media to spread. Talk about your reading list for the year or the type of content you would like to read while taking a dip. You can also discuss problem techniques, such as how you keep your phone, books, e-readers, and magazines dry while washing. Of course, be very careful!

How will you celebrate Read in the Bathtub Day?


Read in the Bathtub Day has been observed annually on February 9th.


Friday, February 9th, 2024

Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Monday, February 9th, 2026

Tuesday, February 9th, 2027

Wednesday, February 9th, 2028

Also on Monday, February 9th, 2026

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