Reconciliation Day
Reconciliation Day is observed next on Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025 (48 days from today).

Every April 2nd is Reconciliation Day in order to encourage us to save the relationships that are ruin by words or actions. While various “Days of Reconciliation” are celebrated around the world, this particular celebration takes place on April 2.
History of Reconciliation Day
We all know about a relationship where a misunderstanding causes friction. Eventually, or suddenly the relationship is destroyed. Time passed, soon, years passed, and the two of them could not say a word. They can be siblings or parents and children. Childhood friendships vanish in an instant because of angry words. Friends often immediately regret the cause of the quarrel but do not know how to start over.
Over time, there are more feelings of resentment, bitterness, and anger than loss of friendship. These feelings causes health problems and affects other relationships in our lives.
The act of reconciliation requires some conditions in order to reach a peaceful balance. Someone has to make the first move to break down the barriers that have been built. And while forgiveness can be part of the conversation, it doesn't have to be a request.
Forgiveness is not always easy, and broken relationships are often difficult to repair. Friends and family members sometimes have huge emotional distances for years or even decades until their relationship may never be mended. Reconciliation Day is a chance to write letters, make phone calls, or connect with a loved one in any way in order to make an effort to forgive and save a broken relationship.
On April 2, 1989, Esther "Eppie" Lederer, replied to a letter she received from a Los Angeles neighborhood in Van Nuys. The sender has said that the later it is, the more precious time is. They say that their parents are old, their aunts and uncles are sick, and they haven't seen their cousins in years. They assert that their friendships become more and more precious as the years go by, but admit that some of their friendships have hardened or haven't been nurtured in years. The writer goes on to say:
“Wouldn't it be great if a special day could be spent reaching out and making amends? We can call it 'Reconciliation Day. Everyone vows to write a letter or call and mend a strained or broken relationship.”
In Landers' letter back, she said it would be great if anyone who fell would pick up the phone and call that person. "Just do it!" she told her readers. However, he stopped officially declaring Reconciliation Day in the following years.
In April 2nd, 1992, Landers shared the message that T.R sent to her from lovely Orlando:
“It is a long time since you published Reconciliation Day. It has worked wonders in our family, and I hope you will rerun it for those who may not have seen it for the first time. In fact, why not make it an annual event - and name it Ann Landers Reconciliation Day. How about it?”
Celebrating Reconciliation Day
Join the day by reaching out to a loved one you are estranged from, in an effort to repair the relationship and reconcile. If you feel you have a positive relationship with your loved ones, you can reach out to old friends you haven't talked to in a while. If someone reaches out to you today hoping for reconciliation, open your hands to them and try to start a new relationship with them on a new footing.
This day is intended to mend relationships. Misunderstandings, unwanted words or actions, and simply an unforgivable mistake can ruin relationships. It's not late to make amends. Contact that friend or loved one and start over. Do not forget to use the hashtag #ReconciliationDay to post on social media.
Reconciliation Day has been observed annually on April 2nd.Dates
Sunday, April 2nd, 2023
Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024
Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025
Thursday, April 2nd, 2026
Friday, April 2nd, 2027
Founded by
Ann Landers on April 2nd, 1989