School Librarians' Day
School Librarians' Day is observed next on Wednesday, April 16th, 2025 (88 days from today).
An opportunity to be grateful for all the knowledge that librarians possess is School Librarians' Day.
Commemorated on the 4th of April every year, School Librarians' Day honors the work of the school librarian. A trained librarian is on par with a search engine. Even a search engine can turn up unrelated, not Librarian, answers.
History of School Librarians' Day
The origin of this Date is uncertain. However, sources suggest that the function of a librarian was practiced as early as the 8th century. Around the 8th century, Ashurbanipal, a king created a library and appointed a custodian. As such, introduce librarians as a profession.
In 323 BC, after the death of Alexander the Great, Ptolemy I created a library called the "Great Library of Alexandria", which became the residence for Greek Literatures and the Letters of the Ancients. Notable libraries such as Zenodotus, Aristarchus, Aristophanes, Callimachus, Eratosthenes, Appollonius and Demetrius were the custodians of this wonderful library.
During the Roman period, aristocrats had private libraries at home. Although scholars have participated in the circulation of their books, there is no specific role as Librarian.
During the fall of the Roman Empire, the Monasteries kept the libraries alive which monks used to copy books. Anastasias, a monk, was given the role of librarian as a reward for translating Greek texts and certain security features such as table arrangement, alphabetical arrangement of books, and lists of books. Test books have been introduced.
In the 14th century, universities gradually recruited librarians in schools. However, the librarian role was only introduced in the 18th century.
Today, active libraries are more than just a repository of knowledge. To keep up with changing technology, library services now include audiobooks, e-readers, free computer skills classes, and access to free online resources. Many public libraries give chance to learn language and access to some useful tools, technology such as 3D printers and computers. Moreover, you can also take part in some free workshops to share more about some interests and life skills. They provide a quiet retreat during hot or rainy days at no charge, and they serve as a safe, comfortable place for children and teenagers.
Some interesting truths about School Librarians' Day
The duties of a librarian depend on the size of the library. The Archives will normally be overseen by a private librarian known as an “Archiminator”.
“American Library Association” and “Young Adult Library Service Association” are two of the most notable associations in the United States. Associations can join these associations with some librarians followed by objecting to these commissions.
A report has surveyed and demonstrated that almost librarians were women (estimated 83%) and part-time employees accounted for 26% in the United States.
The Gallaudet University Library for the Physically Impaired, founded in 1876, includes more than two thousand books related to the deaf by librarians and users as well.
How to celebrate School Librarians' Day
If possible, go to your school library and say a few words to your librarian. You can also celebrate this day by giving a surprise gift to your school librarian. Just take a photo with him or her and post using this hashtag #MyLibrarianandMe, #SchoolLibrarianDay, #NationalSchoolLibrarianDay on social media. Become a reader today so you can be a Leader tomorrow. And librarians can only spread the joy of Reading. So let's play up the role of librarians by sharing our views on social media.
School Librarians' Day has been observed Wednesday of the second full week in April.Dates
Wednesday, April 12th, 2023
Wednesday, April 17th, 2024
Wednesday, April 16th, 2025
Wednesday, April 15th, 2026
Wednesday, April 14th, 2027