Spouse's Day

(Also known as Spouses Day)

Spouse's Day is observed next on Monday, January 26th, 2026 (347 days from today).

How many days until Spouse's Day?


Spouse’s Day is celebrated on January 26 every year for anniversary of the affection between two people and sets aside time for couples to show their gratitude towards each other.

From giving thanks for the fulfillment and security of a long-term relationship to boosting morale and well-being from a spouse, there are plenty of reasons to celebrate. It is a great time to show your love to your spouse and appreciate all that they do for you and your home.

Spouse’s Day history

Traditionally, wedding anniversaries are celebrated every year but the idea of ​​a dedicated day for all couples to celebrate each other didn't come up until recently.

Appearing somewhere around the early 2000s, Spouse’s Day seems to have started in the US and UK, but has grown in popularity and is now celebrated by couples all over the world.

Some people said that Spouse’s Day has linked to the origins of US President Ronald Reagan's Military Spouse Day in 1984. However, it is celebrated in April and is limited to spouses of those serving in the military.  

How to Celebrate Spouse’s Day

This day is intended to provide a simple acknowledgment of the commitment and sacrifice required to get married. Because of happening in winter, Spouse’s Day can be a great time to spark a marriage, bringing a little joy and light into another dull season.

Here are some options to celebrate this day:

Go on a small road trip

Call a babysitter for the kids and plan a little getaway! Even if Spouse's Day falls on a Tuesday, you can easily spend the weekend before or the following weekend celebrating it. Drive somewhere away from distractions so it's easier to focus on each other. Take time while you're driving to share good memories or talk about the things you both appreciate about each other.

Making it a day trip means it doesn't have to cost a fortune, but an extra night at Bed and Breakfast can make it all the more special and romantic. A trip like this can be especially special for those who might visit the place they went on their first date, where they got engaged, or some other significant place.

Go out (or stay) on a date

Married partners can often take it for granted that they need to spend time dedicated to nurturing their own relationship. Children, work and the busyness of life can affect their marriage. Taking the time to "date" your spouse may seem strange, but it's an important investment in the health and longevity of the relationship.

Put away your electronic devices, plan a hike or hike (weather permitting), have a picnic for both of you at a local park, enjoy a romantic dinner by candlelight, peruse a museum or art gallery, enjoy a botanical garden, a brewery tour, or relax at the spa with a couples massage. Whether simple or complex, whatever activity is chosen, the bottom line is to do it together and enjoy each other's company!

Walk down the memory lane

Remembering why you came together in the first place is a good way to rekindle the fire in a marriage. Pull out a wedding photo album or go through snapshots from the early days of the relationship. Listen to popular songs when you start dating, or watch the first movie you've ever seen together. Enjoy the good times and commit to creating even better times in the future!

Try something out of the ordinary

One thing that's hard about marital relationships is when the routine of everyday life turns life stale and boring. A great way to increase the atmosphere of this holiday is to think creatively doing something out of the ordinary. Whether learning a new skill, taking an art or cooking class, or walking a new path, trying something new together creates an opportunity to bond and renew life in a frenzy in marriage.

How to Appreciate Spouse Anytime

Building a marriage isn't just for special occasions. Every day is a great day to appreciate your spouse! Consider these reminders that can help infuse marriage health:

Do the little things

Doing something for a spouse is a great way to show your love to her/him. It doesn't have to be the most expensive or consume too much time! Just being thoughtful and making a small gesture can mean a lot. Try making them a cup of tea, cook their favorite meal, or suggest watching their favorite movie with them. Anything that can simply make them smile is worth doing!

Put feelings into words

Always remember to say “thank you,” “I love you,” and other affirmations to your spouse. Write a special poem, card or letter that expresses deep feelings. People who are not creative with words can donate a book of poems or create a playlist of their favorite love songs to express their feelings.

Let's build something together

Whether its building blocks, assembling stacked sandwiches, making cream puffs or even playing with some Lego blocks, building something together can be great for the future as well as just plain fun! Take a picture of the result and consider ways to build everything that resembles the life you were able (and will continue to) build together.

Read the book Marriage together

What could be a better gift for a spouse than investing in the relationship and working hard to improve it? Even the best marriages have ways in which they can thrive, so it's great if you put the effort into investing in your marriage by reading one of these books and applying some great tips:

  • Eight Dates by John Gottman Dr. This book includes 8 interactive, life-changing activities that will build skills and deeply inspire the strongest relationships.
  • The Conscious Relationship Habits of S.J. Scott. Offers 25 habits for couples to enhance intimacy, develop deeper relationships, and cultivate closeness.
  • What makes a final marriage of Marlo Thomas and Phil Donahue? Share the joy of other couples by reading their stories. Interviews with forty different celebrity couples, including Chip and Joanna Gaines, Ray and Anna Romano, and Presidents Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter reveal how these celebrity couples' secrets can be discussed discuss together as you invest in your own relationship.


Spouse's Day has been observed annually on January 26th.


Friday, January 26th, 2024

Sunday, January 26th, 2025

Monday, January 26th, 2026

Tuesday, January 26th, 2027

Wednesday, January 26th, 2028

Also on Monday, January 26th, 2026

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