Wikipedia Day

Wikipedia Day is observed next on Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 (83 days from today).

How many days until Wikipedia Day?


January 15 of every year is the anniversary of the founding of the Wikipedia website.

Founded just three years after Google was incorporated, Wikipedia is today a free multilingual, web-based, encyclopedia founded and maintained by a community of volunteer editors and running on a wiki basis; which means anyone can edit any page by clicking the "edit", or "Edit this page" links, found on most pages except the locked ones.

The origin of Wikipedia

Wikipedia officially started on January 15, 2001 thanks to founders Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger along with several passionate collaborators and is available in English only. Just over three years later, in March 2004, there were 6,000 active contributors to 600,000 articles in 50 languages. To date there have been nearly 6,300,000 articles in the English version alone, more than 56,000,000 articles in all language versions. Every day hundreds of thousands of people visit from all over the world to make tens of thousands of edits and start many new articles.

Indeed, it is not an exaggeration to say that Wikipedia is a community site. Because everyone can access and post many new articles or simply edit old article content in all areas of life.

According to statistics in 2017, this website recorded:

15,000,000 visits a month

5 million new posts

119 Wikimedia chapters and user groups in 50 countries

Some highlights of the Wikipedia

1. Explore, learn knowledge on Wikipedia with more than 40 million articles in nearly 300 languages

Coming to Wikipedia's vast knowledge treasure, you will be free to discover useful information with more than 40 million articles including full information about history, science, nature, culture... helps you expand your knowledge of all fields, easily find the information you want to read. Along with that is a system of nearly 300 languages ​​​​to translate articles into many different languages ​​such as English, Chinese, Japanese ... helping to choose languages ​​and look up information and documents in the country more convenient.

2. Update selected articles, suggested reading by topic of news, this day in the past, trends...

The articles displayed on Wikipedia's homepage are continuously updated according to the topics suggested in the section This Day, Trending News... This helps you to understand the world situation, the current situation change of the trend to live more quickly.

How to hold Wikipedia Day

To celebrate Wikipedia day every year, you are encouraged to visit and write new articles related to the topics you love, looking forward to sharing with people around the world. Or simply access and search for information as well as learn from the articles available on the Wikipedia platform. When you post something new, share it on social media to encourage everyone to participate.


Wikipedia Day has been observed annually on January 15th.


Sunday, January 15th, 2023

Monday, January 15th, 2024

Wednesday, January 15th, 2025

Thursday, January 15th, 2026

Friday, January 15th, 2027

Also on Wednesday, January 15th, 2025

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