College Student Grief Awareness Day

College Student Grief Awareness Day is observed next on Thursday, April 17th, 2025 (62 days from today).

How many days until College Student Grief Awareness Day?


College Student Grief Awareness Day is an annual celebration the third Thursday in April.

With almost people, college is considered as the most wonderful time in life of each person. Those who look at college through rose-tinted glasses, however, fail to realize that students face significant difficulties during this transition period.

On April 19th, College Student Grief Awareness Day, we honor the losses college students suffer. We also recognize the life-changing journey students take in overcoming grief.

History of College Student Grief Awareness Day

Within 3 college students, there will one student who is sad at the death of a loved one or a loved one got a terminal illness. The Positive Forward (AMF) program is dedicated to supporting young people grieving the illness or death of a loved one.

The peer-led program, which now operates on nearly 50 university campuses nationwide, connects and empowers grieving students to support one another and inspire them to “Move Forward” with community service.

AMF has supported more than 3000 students at more than 200 campuses across the United States. Our goal is to be an international movement, empowering students all over the world that one cans Actively Move Forward as a tool for healthy grief recovery.

College students are especially vulnerable when faced with grief. It is possible that most students have never experienced to witness the death of a loved one. They are now away from home or away from home, often for the first time, and away from their usual support systems.

Their peers do not understand grief and as a result, these students do not receive the empathy or support they need. At many college, there is not available resources for grief support, therefore, these students will be at high risk for problems such as be isolated; inability to concentrate; lack of energy; and depression.

How to celebrate College Student Grief Awareness Day

Relax for week

Consumed by grief, can you fully participate in campus life? It is rarely wise to avoid recent tragedy. If possible, put away your books, papers, and extracurricular activities for the weekend and go home. This is especially important if you have lost a loved one or a close family friend. Attend funerals or memorials if possible, this ritual brings a much-needed end and encourages you to not only mourn but celebrate your loved one's beautiful life in this world - and the journey to the next.

Returning home may not be practical if you go to college thousands of miles away. Thankfully, modern technology allows you to stay in touch. Share your pain over the phone or via Skype. Post emotional photos and videos on Facebook or Instagram. These small measures will kick start the healing process.

Join a support group

Sometimes, you just need to talk to someone who understands how you feel. Yes, your college friends have also faced grief. However, for them, it may not be as fresh. There are many support groups, both on campus and beyond. Meet regularly to share feelings that you feel are too raw or painful to let go in any other setting.

Help others through their grief

You may never know the full extent of the battles your cadets face. However, you are new to grief, you can lend a hand. Show empathy for others and let them know you're available to listen as they unload their emotional burdens.

Volunteer for an important cause

Honor your recently deceased loved one by giving back to the community. Has this person expressed a passion for a particular cause? This is your chance to make him or her proud. For example, if your grandmother loves dogs, join your local Humane Society.

Another option: acknowledge the circumstances that ended your loved one's life. Join the Susan G. Komen race to be cured or energize to honor those who have conquered cancer. If no suitable event or charity exists near campus, work with other students to launch your own initiative.

Express yourself

From Vincent van Gogh to Franz Liszt, pain has given rise to some of the world's most beautiful works of art and musical masterpieces. Your grief can also inspire something beautiful. At a minimum, art provides a healthy avenue for overcoming difficult emotions. Music, dance, painting, journaling... choose the medium you find most appealing.

Look to the Bible for comfort

For millennia, Christians have chosen to find the Bible when in need. Certain passages can bring comfort as you struggle with sadness and anger. For example, we are reminded that God is our refuge and strength, and he is always being there when we are in trouble. Therefore, we will not be afraid, even if the land gives way and the mountains fall into the sea." Psalm 119:50 is similarly succinct and helpful: "My consolation depends on your promise, saves my life.”


College Student Grief Awareness Day has been observed the third Thursday in April.


Thursday, April 20th, 2023

Thursday, April 18th, 2024

Thursday, April 17th, 2025

Thursday, April 16th, 2026

Thursday, April 15th, 2027

Also on Thursday, April 17th, 2025

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