Girl Scout Day

Girl Scout Day is observed next on Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 (138 days from today).

How many days until Girl Scout Day?


Girl Scouts Day is celebrated on March 12, to commemorate Girl Scouts birthday in the United States. This is part of Girl Scout Week, which runs from March 8-14 every year. Girl Scouts in the United States has millions of members, and it provides girls around the country with enrichment programs, outdoor activities, and service projects that prepare them for life.

History of Girl Scout Day

The origins of Girl Scouts Day are tied to the founding of Girl Scouts in the United States. It was on March 12, 1912, that Juliette Gordon Low officially registered Girl Guides of America, as it was originally called, and its original 18 members, as an organization. The first meeting of the Girl Guide team took place the same day, in Savannah, Georgia, with the participation of Gordon Low and 18 girls.

Because of the desire of bringing Girl Scouts to the United States, Juliette Gordon Low wants to teach for all girls to become more resourceful and adventurous, and to get them out of their homes to experience the outdoors and serve their communities. In the end, she tried to contact similar organizations to join forces and advance for Girl Guides. One of those organizations was the Girl Scouts of America, then Clara Lisetor-Lane is the leader, who threatened to sue Gordon Low for copying her.

However, in 1913, Girl Scouts of America under Lisetor-Lane got the trouble in financial matter, so Juliette Gordon Low decided to change its name from Girl Scouts to Girl Scouts of America, eventually moved the organization to New York in 1915.

The number of Girl Scouts in the US has steadily increased since then, and from 18 girls, the organization now has more than 4 million members. About 50 million women have been part of Girl Scouts since it was founded.

So Girl Scouts Day is celebrated on March 12, as this is the birthday when the movement was founded in America.

Tradition of the Girl Scouts of America

Like other similar organizations, Girl Scouts has its own emblem, traditions and motto.


Girl Scouts' motto is "Get Ready". A Girl Scout should always be available to help when needed.


When they say the Girl Scout Promise, Girl Scouts give birth to the official hand sign - three fingers raised on the right hand, with the thumb on the little finger.

The Girl Scout salutes:

Girl Scouts greet other scouts by shaking hands with her left hand and raising her right hand to make a Girl Scout hand sign.


SWAPS stands for "Special Whatchamacallits Affectionarily Pinned Somewhere.", are small signs of friendship that Girl Scouts exchange with each other while traveling.

How to celebrate Girl Scout Day

Girl Scouts Day is the perfect day to pay tribute to all that Juliette Gordon Low has done for millions of girls around the world. Seeing as Low's goal is to help girls become more independent, this is the perfect day to take the opportunity to teach an important girl that you know something important and useful, something will help her rely less on others and more confident, her skills and abilities.

Girl Scouts are heroines in modern life who encourage girls to develop skills and develop self-confidence every day. When you join Girl Scouts, you will learn many different skills that can only be experienced by doing. It is an active training and teaching method that has helped millions of girls and women develop their true selves and become more independent. For every little girl, the challenge of winning a badge is of course part of the excitement. However, with each new badge received, the little girl will absorb new knowledge and build herself into an inspiring member of society.

Since its inception, Girl Scouts Day has embodied courage, confidence, leadership, entrepreneurship, and active citizenship through skills, practice, and translation service for girls. Supporting their initiative by celebrating Girl Scouts Day is the best thing every parent and woman can do to help the next generation.

Organized a Fundraising Campaign on Girl Scout Day

You don't have to be part of the Girl Scout community to launch a fundraising campaign to help girls. You're used to scout girls’ cookies. But what you might not know is that the delicious cookies serve an important function on Girl Scout Day. They help the Girl Scout community support girl-led education programs, community projects, and experiences for their members. But you can plan your own fundraising activities and split the profits among the girls.

If you want to donate, how about placing a box in a local store with a label explaining that you are raising money for Girl Scouts Day. It is a great way. However, you don't have to be a business owner. You can do a public charity sale at home and let the buyer know what you want to do with the money. You'd be surprised to know that some people are willing to pay a little more if it helps girls!

Host an Event in Town for Girl Scouts Day

Sports events are very popular and they are surprisingly easy to organize. You can contact your community event planner to learn more about the next town runs and marathons. You can establish a page donation. Your best bet is to contact your local Girl Scout community to get contact details and appropriate funding for your donation page. You can encourage people to donate as you promote your participation in the run. For example, running for Girl Scouts Day is a great way to raise awareness of what the scouting community can do for girls.

Share your knowledge about Girl Scout Day

Money is just one of the ways you can support girls on Girl Scout Day. You can also consider how your own knowledge and expertise can help prepare them. Girl Scouts have extensive experience in camping, first aid, community service, and outdoor activities. Whether you are a foraging expert, a trained nurse, or a backpacker with a passion for camping, you can volunteer at your local Girl Scout community to share your love with his wisdom and tips.

If you live near a forest, you should teach her something about how to survive in the forest if she gets lost. How to build a basic bonfire, for example, or some basic form of shelter, to prevent her from getting too cold. You can also teach her about which berries and mushrooms are edible, and which should not even be touched, let alone eaten. If you don't have any nearby, but live in a city instead, this might be a good time to teach her the basics of first aid, if she doesn't already know them—how perform CPR, how to perform a wound dressing, what to do if a person passes out, etc... Even a short lesson in first aid might allow this little girl one day save someone's life.

And, if that's not an option either, how about helping both you and the Girl Scouts and buying some of their cookies? You'll have something delicious to sip your morning coffee, and they'll have more money to continue educating and empowering girls and young women.


Girl Scout Day has been observed annually on March 12th.


Sunday, March 12th, 2023

Tuesday, March 12th, 2024

Wednesday, March 12th, 2025

Thursday, March 12th, 2026

Friday, March 12th, 2027

Also on Wednesday, March 12th, 2025

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