No Smoking Day (UK)

No Smoking Day (UK) is observed next on Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 (138 days from today).

How many days until No Smoking Day (UK)?


No Smoking Day, celebrated on the second Wednesday of March. This day is designed as a time to reach out to friends or family members with nicotine addiction. Research shows that the number of people around the world who still smoke and are not actively trying to quit is falling dramatically. The stigma surrounding smoking and the dangers of secondhand smoke tends to become more severe over time. But on No Smoking Day, many people are encouraged to help others quit.

History of No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day originated in the Republic of Ireland in 1984 on Ash Wednesday, when the ruling clerics determined that tobacco would be good for people to give up during Lent. Since then, No Smoking Day has been moved to a more predictable second Wednesday in March.

Medical reports show that smoking causing cancer first appeared in the 1920s. During the 1950s and 1960s, a lot of studies are agreed to show that smoking could cause a wide range of serious diseases. Smoking is less and less because of the quickly increasing improvement in knowledge about the health effects of both active and passive smoking.

Nowadays, No Smoking campaign is established by the British Heart Foundation, who will inform an annual marketing phrase. The motto of 2010 was "Break free!" is an example. Television commercials in that year published about that smokers broken cigarettes instead of smoking.

In the past, the Republic of Ireland had a lot of heavy smokers, however, in recent years this number has steadily declined. According to Ireland's annual Wellness Survey, 80,000 people have stopped smoking within the previous 3 years.

The World Health Organization says tobacco kills half of all users, with more than 8 million deaths each year. More than 7 million of those deaths are attributable to direct tobacco use, while approximately 1.2 million deaths are due to exposure to secondhand smoke. In spite of the statistics, with many warnings, restrictions of labeling, age and location have contributed to make a positive impact on smoking reduction.

How to celebrate No Smoking Day

Give up

In the United States and United Kingdom, there are many resources available to any smoker who decides they have had enough but needs help quitting. Quitting smoking is good for health but it is not easy, however, do not worry because there is the support from helplines like the CDC (800-QUIT-NOW or 800-784-8669), you can do it.

Support loved ones who want to quit smoking

Each person knows each friend or family member best, so we should take an approach that is tailored to each individual. Ways to help loved ones include leaving books around the house, quitting smoking, loving encouragement or even nagging. The main thing is to be there for the person as they go through this challenging endeavor.

Shopping at stores that don't sell tobacco products

Without using tobacco, you can get a positive effect on avoiding or stopping addiction. Choose to shop in places that don't sell tobacco, so you shouldn't be tempted to shop, especially with friends or family who may be addicted.

No Smoking Day – The Benefits of Quitting

Giving up smoking is the greatest way to improve your health and bring a lot of benefits for yourself, your family and friends. Looking at the smoking cessation timeline, you'll see exactly what benefits you can expect if you abstain from smoking longer after the No Smoking Day.

A detail timeline of stopping smoking is a great way to help you control your cravings, detailing what you can expect as each day goes by. It clearly shows how quickly the worst cravings fade away, and according to a study done in 20175, the first day is always the hardest, which means No Smoking Day is the perfect chance to get all the support you need to get through it!

It is also a helpful guide to the types of benefits you will enjoy when you quit smoking6. Including:

  • Reduced risk of all types of cancer
  • Reduce the risk of chronic respiratory diseases
  • Increase energy and reduce fatigue
  • Increase fertility and sex drive
  • Reduce costs - because you don't need to buy cigarettes!

If you go through the day without smoking, you will begin to enjoy some of these benefits, however, there is always the possibility of relapse after the No Smoking day has passed. Don't worry, though, just pick up where you left off on March 10 and read about how you can avoid your key triggers.


No Smoking Day (UK) has been observed the second Wednesday in March.


Wednesday, March 8th, 2023

Wednesday, March 13th, 2024

Wednesday, March 12th, 2025

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