Korean American Day

Korean American Day is observed next on Tuesday, January 13th, 2026 (335 days from today).

How many days until Korean American Day?


On January 13 every year, we have celebrated Korean-American Day to honor their Korean-American friends who have made great contributions as small business owners, military service members, religious leaders, doctors, artists and elected officials for more than a century.  Since the first wave of immigration occurred in 1903.

Korean American Day History

It was in 1903; just over 100 Koreans first came to the United States.  That number quickly grew and within two years an additional 7,500 Korean immigrants had made the same journey.  Over the years, Korean-Americans have made valuable and admirable contributions to society, and Korean-Americans Day is a time to honor and celebrate their contributions.

There has been many ways to celebrate for Korean-Americans over the past century.  Two-time Olympic gold medalist in diving, Wendy Gramm served as the chairperson of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission under Presidents Reagan and Bush, David Hyun as the architect and Hines Ward Jr took part in the Pittsburgh Steelers.

As well as the individual impact, Korean culture as a whole has left a sizable mark on America.  Korean food has become hugely popular, and it's now common to eat bibimbap with kimchi, as well as listen to a few K-Tunes on the drive home.  Among other Korean Americans

In 2005, the United States Senate and House of Representatives published an agreement that Korean American Day represents their consciousness and aspirations.  Korean American Day is now celebrated every year on January 13, which is the perfect excuse to snack on some kimchi.

How to celebrate Korean American Day

It is a great time to learn more about Korean Americans.

Read books about their experiences or watch documentaries.  We have provided two books:

  • Korean American Pioneers Aviators: The Willows Airmen by Edward T. Chang and Woo Sung Han
  • Korean Americans: Ilpyong J. Kim's Past, Present, and Future
  • Memoirs of a Cashier: Korean Americans, Racism and Riots by Carol Park

You can also visit Korean American Stories to hear their stories or document your own.  Learn more or share your experience using #KoreanAmericanDay on social media.


Korean American Day has been observed annually on January 13th.


Saturday, January 13th, 2024

Monday, January 13th, 2025

Tuesday, January 13th, 2026

Wednesday, January 13th, 2027

Thursday, January 13th, 2028

Also on Tuesday, January 13th, 2026

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