National Healthcare Decisions Day

National Healthcare Decisions Day is observed next on Wednesday, April 16th, 2025 (57 days from today).

How many days until National Healthcare Decisions Day?


April 16th every year is considered as National Health Care Decision Day in order to inspire, educate, and empower all of us about advance care planning.

National Health Care Decisions Day or NHDD in abbreviation is a special opportunity for spreading, encouraging community and raising awareness for providers about the importance of advance care planning. NHDD is an ideal creation of human, which is a chance for people to show their opinions for health care and for providers as well as facilities to respect those opinions, whatever they may be.

History of National Healthcare Decisions Day

Since 2008, Nathan Kottkamp, ​​a health care attorney in Virginia founded National Healthcare Decisions Day to provide clear, concise, and consistent information about health care decision-making to both the public and suppliers/facilities through the widely available and widely available, simple, free, and unified tools (not just forms) to guide the process.

National Healthcare Decisions Day is a nationally organized series of independent events, supported by a national media and public education campaign. In every respect, NHDD is inclusive and brings players from the larger health care, legal and religious communities together on a common project, for the benefit of patients, families and supplier. The important goal of National Healthcare Decisions Day is to make clear health care decision and make people see the advance of care planning untenable. In addition, National Healthcare Decisions Day is so useful that all of us understand much more about the advance health care decision involved more than a will to live. It's a long process; therefore, you should focus on conversation at first and then choose an agent.

Since June 2016, the management of finance of the National Healthcare Decisions Day belongs to The Conversation Project. Nathan Kottkamp worked as a manager for all matters of NHDD and provides leadership by ensuring NHDD's high-quality resources are maintained and supportive of the community.

Some truths of National Healthcare Decisions Day

In the absence of advanced directives, healthcare professionals rely on family members to determine the patient's wishes. Family members often struggle when they have to make these difficult decisions. However, it is possible to reduce some of difficult decisions by making a plan at first.

Compliance emphasizes the importance of national, state, and community organizations put a hand together in a collaborative effort to promote National Healthcare Decisions Day. They are cooperating with aims to supply available information, opportunities, and access needed to document health care decisions.

While advance care planning may seem like a difficult discussion, the alternative leaves family members struggling to make decisions for you. Completing an enhanced directive takes the burden off our loved ones. It also frees us up to have more fun conversations in the future.

How to celebrate National Healthcare Decisions Day

How about planning ahead for your important health care? Find the documents you need right now, complete them, and put them where they are easily accessible. Discuss your decisions with your loved ones. Let them know where your documents are in case you have a healthcare event. You can also encourage your family members to finish the advance direction as soon as possible. Please remember that it is not good to place the burden of decisions on your family members. Do not forget using the hashtag #HealthcareDecisionsDay to share your thought about your celebration on social media.


National Healthcare Decisions Day has been observed annually on April 16th.


Sunday, April 16th, 2023

Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

Wednesday, April 16th, 2025

Thursday, April 16th, 2026

Friday, April 16th, 2027

Founded by

Nathan Kottkamp on April 16th, 2008

Also on Wednesday, April 16th, 2025

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