National Twinkie Day
National Twinkie Day is observed next on Sunday, April 6th, 2025 (24 days from today).

April 6th every year is National Twinkie Day in order to celebrate one of America's favorite snack cakes.
Some truths about Twinkie
1. The world's oldest Twinkie is over 40. In the 70s, a chemistry teacher named Roger Bennatti let a Twinkie sit on his chalkboard with the aim of learning about the decay of processed foods. Bangor Daily News said, he kept Twinkie in its place for 30 freaky years. Now, after retiring, the ancient snack is now chilled in a glass cabinet at the George Stevens Academy in Maine. You may want not?
2. The old Twinkie boxes are pretty cute. It's classic. It's luxurious. However, we can't say that Twinkie cowboys have gotten any less creepy over the years. In the past, it was advised that Twinkies should be enjoyed with ice cream or fruit. In fact, when you're experiencing in Twinkie, do you really think how well it would go with a pile of honeydew? Oh, and in case you didn't know, the mascot's name is Twinkie the Kid. So... badass?
3. The original pastry was banana ice cream. Doesn't sound bad at all! Fox News magazine reported that the fruit filling was stopped when a shortage of bananas occurred during the Second World War. As a result, the company switched to the vanilla ice cream filling we all know and love. Apparently Hostess brought back the banana-flavoured pie filling for the King Kong DVD release in 2006. See what they did there?
4. There is such a thing as a Twinkie law. Facts about hashtags. According to The New York Post, a Minneapolis, Minnesota council candidate essentially tried to make herself look better by offering older voters $34.13 in gifts including Twinkies. It sounds sweet, but he's actually got into a bit of trouble. After the incident ended, the state passed a campaign finance law called the "Twinkie law" to prevent this from happening again.
5. Someone did the Twinkie diet. Back in 2010, Mark Haub, a nutrition professor, followed the Twinkie diet for ten weeks. The Huffington Post said he only ate food from convenience stores (including Twinkies) and ended up losing weight instead of gaining. Haub has lost 27 pounds to be exact. So what you're saying is, are Twinkies the new kale?
History of National Twinkie Day
National Twinkie Day celebrates the ice cream snack cake and occurs on what is believed to be the anniversary of its invention. It is likely that the day will be officially celebrated for the first time in 2012. Hostess, the producer of Twinkie said that National Twinkie Day is the perfect time for Hostess fans to enjoy their own little celebration. On this occasion, Hostess also had Tay Zonday changed his song from "Chocolate Rain" to "Chocolate Cream", to honor Chocolate Cream Twinkie.
Twinkie was invented in 1930 by James Dewar, manager of the Continental Baking Company in Chicago. He got the inspiration for this dish after seeing a billboard in St. Louis for shoes called Twinkle Toes. Twinkies started out being sold by Hostess and were originally handmade and made in shortbread pans. Their flavor was banana ice cream, but this was switched to vanilla ice cream during the Second World War, as bananas were largely not imported at the time. Their mascot Twinkie the Kid has introduced many flavors over the years. There have been the green Shrek and the Ghostbusters Twinkies, the latter with a lemon scent. There are some different flavors over the years such as blue raspberry, orange cream, and pumpkin spice. At the beginning, they were suggested to be enjoyed with fruit or ice cream.
Twinkies have long been associated with junk food. In 1978, Mayor George Moscone and Harvey Milk were killed by Dan White of San Francisco. He uses "Twinkie plea", stating that eating Twinkie and the candy bar altered his mind, causing him to temporarily lose his mind and cause the shooting.
Twinkies are also famous at their long shelf life. The oldest Twinkie is believed to be dated to 1976. In that year, Roger Bennatti who was a science teacher, left a Twinkie on his chalkboard. He hasn't moved it in 30 years, and it now sits in a glass case at his school, George Stevens Academy in Blue Hill, Maine. Bill Clinton put a Twinkie in the Millenium Time Capsule in 1999, it wasn't opened until 2100. Sadly, the Twinkie was scrapped for fear rats would eat it.
Hostess declared bankruptcy in 2012 and closed their bakery. However, Hostess was purchased by Apollo Global Management in 2013, and Twinkies quickly returned to the market. They continue to be deep-fried at fairs, eaten casually, and used in many other recipes.
Celebrating National Twinkie Day
How about celebrating National Twinkie Day? Do you have any plan for yourself? The best way is to eat Twinkies! Pick a box or try to make your own. Use them to make cakes or tiramisu. You can also fry them or eat them in a Twinkie Weiner Sandwich.
National Twinkie Day has been observed annually on April 6th.Dates
Thursday, April 6th, 2023
Saturday, April 6th, 2024
Sunday, April 6th, 2025
Monday, April 6th, 2026
Tuesday, April 6th, 2027