Refired Not Retired Day

Refired Not Retired Day is observed next on Saturday, March 1st, 2025 (125 days from today).

How many days until Refired Not Retired Day?


Refired Not Retired Day is celebrated on March 1 every year. Refired Not Retired Day is dedicated to all those who have retired or are about to retire. Don't think of retirement as a time to waste doing nothing, treat it like a long vacation and in the meantime, live it to the fullest. During this period of retirement, just enjoy your life and make the most of these years by doing the things you've always wanted to do, because you finally have time to do all the things you enjoy.

History of Refired Not Retired Day

Refired, Not Retired Day was founded by Phyllis May as she embarked on her mission to start her big life and rediscover her passion for life after she retired and her husband left. She started by moving to Key West, Florida, a town where she didn't know anyone, and started over at the age of 55. She started taking on various jobs to keep herself active and experienced. Experience the things that her previous professional life prevented her from doing.

Since then, she has had a variety of interesting jobs, from working as a concierge, working a variety of temporary jobs, serving breakfast and now at a gift shop. Doesn't this sound interesting to you? All of this is to listen to Caribbean music all day. All she needed was a cheeseburger and she did it!

Things really took a turn when she hosted her own TV show for a year and then advertised a book called “Keys to Paradise… a cool guide to Key West,” the first edition of the series. Miss. She's not living her life in retirement, she's living it SERVE.

That date was March 1, 1998, and although she didn't know it at the time, it would become Refired Not Retired Day. It was here that she recreated, recreated and recreated her life. She did some trivial jobs - but they were fun and brought her a lot of joy. She also had a local TV show for a year, wrote a few books, and traveled for several years doing seminars. Starting at the age of 55, she has really taken hold of her life and made sure she has a great second act. The purpose of Refired Not Retired Day celebration was to help others do the same!

How to celebrate Refired Not Retired Day

On Refired Not Retired Day, why do not take some time and think about how you want to spend your retirement years. After retirement life is not the end, it is just a new beginning. If you are about to retire or are retired, start making new plans to do the things you have never done before but have always wanted to do. Moreover, you can post photos and share your thoughts on social media about Refired Not Retired Day using the hashtag #RefiredNotRetiredDay.


Refired Not Retired Day has been observed annually on March 1st.


Wednesday, March 1st, 2023

Friday, March 1st, 2024

Saturday, March 1st, 2025

Sunday, March 1st, 2026

Monday, March 1st, 2027

Founded by

Phyllis May in 2004

Also on Saturday, March 1st, 2025

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