Straw Hat Day

Straw Hat Day is observed next on Thursday, May 15th, 2025 (74 days from today).

How many days until Straw Hat Day?


Straw Hat Day is observed annually on May 15th by straw hat enthusiasts, who swap their felt and wool hats for a new straw hat for their heads so they can wear it during the warm months.

Why did something as simple as a straw hat ever appear? Now, that's just what we're here to answer! Straw hats have been found in most cultures around the world, with different styles and techniques used to make them as needed for that region's needs. The reasons for their use may surprise you, as well as the persistence with which they remain a pretty standard piece of clothing even in the modern age.

History of National Straw Hat Day

When we say that the straw hat has come a long way and is part of every culture in the world, we are not kidding. Straw hats are known to date back to before the Middle Ages throughout the West and also the East. Since then, many styles have emerged, and some of them are so important that they have become indelibly linked to a culture or place, and in some cases a man.

When most Americans think of the Panama hat, they immediately think of Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, the iconic American President responsible for the construction of the Panama Canal and the inspiration for 'Teddy Bear'. Then there is the mokorotlo, a hat that is part of the traditional Sotho (South Africa and Lesotho) dress. This straw hat is so important to their culture that it has become their national symbol, even appearing on their flags and license plates.

These hats are great at their versatility, if you're in an area where you want to keep the sun out of your head but you also need your head to be able to breathe, a woven straw hat is a must. Loose is just what you need. On the other hand, if you live in a rainy climate and want something to stop your (sometimes quite intense) rains, you should purchase a tightly woven straw hat like the ones found in Japan and China. Needless to say, there are so many styles and uses for these hats!

How to celebrate National Straw Hat Day

National Straw Hat Day can be celebrated interestingly by going out and getting a new straw hat. It will be found in almost every size, shape and material. Traditional Straw Hats are made with the help of wheat straw. If not, they'll use something more exotic, such as a Baku Straw hat made of Talipot Palm Trees. You can also share your ideas and thoughts on social media using the hashtag #NationalStrawHatDay.

How to make your own straw hat

Please prepare some necessary things as below:

  • Needle and thread
  • Sewing machine
  • Braided Straw
  • Ice
  • Scissors
  • Carton
  • Pencil
  • Chart
  • Pen and paper
  • Measuring tape

The first thing you need to do is draw some squares of paper and figure out the design for the hat you are going to create. You can create your own design, based on historical designs, or you can simply find a design to copy by searching the Internet. Try to draw heat to scale, whereby each square of the checkerboard equals one inch. This will make it a lot easier for you to create the hat.

Once you've finished drawing your straw hat on your checkered paper, you need to transfer the design to cardboard. You will now draw out the pattern pieces, but they will need to be to the correct proportions. Use tape to glue all of the pattern pieces together, helping you determine if your straw hat design is viable. At this point, you may need to make a few adjustments before continuing.

Next, you need to take a straw braid. This is something that can be purchased from a craft or fabric store. You may even decide that you want to pick up something in the house made of straw. For example, this could be some positioning or it could even be an old straw hat that you want to refurbish into something new. If you do decide to do this, make sure you're careful when picking these items out of each other, as you don't want to damage the straw twine itself.

You can then use straw to sew the braids together, using pieces of cardboard as shown in the guide. Law for flat straw braid, roll around it in a small, flat circle. Use thread to secure it by sewing through the edges of the braid. Continue stitching the braid together, forming a larger and larger circle, until you have a piece that matches the pattern.

Sew the braids to give the crown a 90-degree angle. Continue working until the side panels are created. Hold the hat snugly against your head while you're wearing it to check if it fits you well.

To create the brim, you'll need to work your way from the hat opening to the outside of the brim or from the outside of the brim to the hat opening. Once all the individual pieces have been created, you can sew them together, with rough seams and hems on the inside of the hat. Then you need to fit the opening of the brim of the hat. Make sure you don't do this too tight! And voila; you should have a beautiful straw hat, which you can certainly be proud of!


Straw Hat Day has been observed annually on May 15th.


Monday, May 15th, 2023

Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

Thursday, May 15th, 2025

Friday, May 15th, 2026

Saturday, May 15th, 2027

Also on Thursday, May 15th, 2025

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